Thursday, April 30, 2015

Recent doings

It's about time for an update! Here's what I've been up to lately.

I sent off my first book proposal yesterday! I attended an illustrators conference earlier this year and one of the Design Directors from Chronicle Books made an appierance. She was impressed with our work and invided us all to submit proposals to her, if we had them. 
What you see here is a book dummy with five finished illustrations inside, a cover letter, and a self adressed stamped post card with the painting below on it.

Here is the beginning of a little series of butterfly paintings. I hope to be able to sell them at the Lehi Round Up Boutique this year.

This painting is for the cover of a book my aunt wrote.

This is something I did for fun. It's my cat, Sophie, as a cartoon character with an Easter basket.

Untill next time!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Backyard Birds

Some recent bird paintings I did for a client.

Black-capped Chickadee

American Robin

Friday, January 9, 2015

Animal Portraits

Animal Portraits

Here are a few of the custom pet portraits I've done. If you would like a portrait done of any of your animals I would be happy to create one for you. Just shoot me a message and we can work out a price.

16x13 pencil

Little Dexter 
11x14 scratchboard

Little Cowboy
10x8 watercolor + pen and ink

Pirate Dog
8x10 watercolor + pen and ink

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Daily Sketchbook

It's been so long since I've posted last. This year I promise to be a better blogger. Recently I've challenged myself to be better about keeping a daily sketchbook too. I call it my 365 days of sketching challenge! Everyday, aside from my other projects, I've been spending a minimum of ten minuets in my sketchbook. These drawings do not have to be detailed, or refined, and they don't even have to be good. This provides me with a safe place to practice and throw my ideas around without any pressure. I'll be posting some of these little drawings every week just to show what I have been up to.

It's not that exciting, but here's the chair in our living room.

This is what, my cat, Sophie would look like if she were a cartoon character. She is such a sweet cat.
I started doing some simple journaling on each page too.   

Seussian Christmas trees.

Seuss inspired lady bird.

I got the Book "The Cat Behind The Hat The Art of Dr. Seuss" for Christmas this year and I have absolutely loved it.  


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Quick Bird Sketches

Quick Bird Sketches

So, I've been on a bird kick lately. I put up a bird feeder a few months ago and I've just been fascinated by my visitors. I love to sit by the window and watch them interact. I've been taking tons of pictures. It's about time I start using them to draw! Bear with me, I'm still learning how to take pictures of my drawings, haha.

This little bird is a Red Shafted Northern Flicker, a type of woodpecker. The feathers on this birds wings have beautiful red shafts that can be seen when it's in flight.

This lovely lady is a female House Finch. The males are a muted brown with some red feathers on their heads, necks, and chests while the females are brown all over.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rocky the dog!

Introducing Rocky The Dog.

My friend and I are putting together a children's book called Rocky the dog! I came up with the idea and she put it into a cute little poem. I'm doing the illustrations with watercolors and pen and ink.

The synopsis.

Rocky the dog is a unique looking fellow. He's nearly hairless and he doesn't have any teeth. The other dogs laugh at him, but he doesn't let that stop him from taking what he has and running with it. Smile with Rocky as he learns that It's great to be different.

Updates to come soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My little buddy Dexter

This is a scratch board picture of my late dog Dexter, may he rest in peace. This was my dad's present last Christmas. He loved our little dog so much.

This is the photograph I used as reference.